Uploading a Document

There are now three places to upload documents, depending on the purpose.

  1.   For an event ie scratching vet certificate, qualification information etc
  2.   For a rider ie a photo (note Evo Events will be implementing a place to display photos in the future).  There is no current facility to utilize a rider’s photo
  3.   For a horse ie Hanoverian papers, height certifications, photos etc


1. Procedure for an Event

Sign in to your Evo Events Account

Select "My Entries"

Click the "More" button on the left of the event that you wish to upload a document for

Enter Description of File

Click Choose File

A pop up window will appear where you can select the file you want to upload from your computer

Find and select the file

Click "Open"

The file name will now appear between the Choose File button and the Upload button

Select Upload

You will now get a message saying "Upload Successful"


2. For a Rider

Sign in to your Evo Events Account

Select "My Account"

Scroll down to the area called Upload Documents

You should enter a description for the document, select the document type (only Photo is an option at the moment), press the button which opens a pop-up where you select the file on your own computer and then press the upload button.



 You will now get a message saying "Upload Successful" and you should see the new document on your list of uploaded documents.


3. For a Horse


Sign in to your Evo Events Account



Select "My Account"

Scroll down until you see your horses.

Click on the right hand button called View in the Docs column


You now get a pop-up where you can upload a document that is stored against this horse for all future shows.


You will get a confirmation if the upload is successful and the new upload will show in the list of uploaded documents.





Article ID: 37
Created: July 25, 2017
Last Updated: October 16, 2018
Author: Yvette Lawson [yvette@evoevents.co.nz]

Online URL: https://kb.evoevents.co.nz/article.php?id=37